
Dog Heat Symptoms

Dog Heat Symptoms

  1. Bleeding from vagina 
  2. Increased urination
  3. Restlessness
  4. Change of mood

Heat is the equivalent of human ovulating cycle, women have their periods monthly when the womb lining is discharged. In female dogs, heat is also known as the oestrous cycle. Heat can be a difficult and stressed time for female dogs, so try to identify the dog heat symptoms and deal with them adequately.

As women do during periods, the first dog heat symptom that is that the dog bleeds from their vulva. This can also lead to swelling of the vulval lips and increased frequency of urination, so prepare yourself to clean up. However, there will only be a small amount of blood discharge unlike in the case of humans. If the dog is younger, it may be harder to tell their dog heat symptoms so be really observant about looking out for your puppies first oestrous cycle.

That said, a female dog normally starts only at around six months of age. However the time period varies, so don’t be alarmed if it comes at just 4 months or only after 10 months. However, if she is about 14 months and still has not experienced an oestrous cycle, do consult a vet as this is abnormal.

While the heat cycle is in progress, you will observe some dog heat symptoms. The cycle usually takes about 3 weeks, although in some dogs it might be as short as 2 weeks and in others, as long as 4. This cycle repeats roughly every 6 to 8 months, which means your dog will experience heat 2 times a year.

Another symptom commonly experienced during the heat cycle is that male dogs will hang around your house more often and try to reach your female dog. The dog will seem restless and will have a mood change, resulting in her appearing more moody.

Remember that just as in woman, dogs do not enjoy when they are in heat and so be sensitive to their emotions. On walks, be gentle (try to avoid male dogs), and back at home, leave her to herself. More often, she will like to be left alone.